Concentration: Sustainable use of water
Duration: 1 semester
Brief description of the concentration
Access to water, sanitation and hygiene is a human right, yet millions of people face enormous deficiencies in accessing these basic services. Ensuring the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all is a global commitment. With this context, the Tecnologico de Monterrey offers through its new Tec 21 study plans the concentration "Sustainable Use of Water".
This concentration is equivalent to a full semester load (6 subjects) and is available for careers in Civil Engineering, Sustainable Development Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Agrifood Biosystems Engineer, and Biotechnology Engineering.
During the concentration, 2 challenges are prepared accompanied and advised by instructors and training partners (state and municipal governments and organized civil society organizations.
General objective of the program
Develop skills to carry out water management strategies through a plan, for water security and the sustainability of a region, with a comprehensive approach, considering innovative methodologies and with a vision of service to society.